Sunday, June 26, 2005


A Cardboard Box

Lest anyone worry about the youth of today and how they are going to turn out, let me assure you, that there are at least two 11 year old boys with good heads on their shoulders. While on our way for a weekend at our cabin in the mountains, my son and his friend began talking about the things that were important to them. Since sports are their passion, they began talking about the values held by so many of the professional athletes that somehow 89 million over 5 years isn't enough.

But then my son's friend began to tell the story of a little boy in his class at school, that made this whole "Money is everything" perspective more personal. It seems that the boy in his class comes from one of the wealthiest families in our community, but his parents are never at the school for his special events, because they are always working. One of the projects for his class was to make a family crest. This rich young boy did the assignment, but his parents were the only parents in the room that couldn't recognize their own son's family crest. I had a deep sadness for that boy, and for his parents, and the lonliness they must feel. Maybe a lonliness that they don't even recognize yet. But then my son's friend said: "I would rather live in a cardboard box and know that I have a loving family around me, than to have all the money in the world." I told my son's friend to remember that lesson, because it would most likely become one of the most important lessons of his life.

The Rich Young Ruler asked Jesus, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" And Jesus asked him to go out and sell all he has and give it to the poor." The rich young ruler walked away sad, because he was very wealthy." Jesus said, "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom of God." Luke 18

ain't that the truth! just found your blog again. couldn't figure out where it was. looks great!
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